Average Price of Jute Goods At
Kolkata Market (Domestic)

Jul-Jun Hessian (Rs./100 meter) Sacking (Rs./100 bag)
40" x 10 oz 40" x 7.5 oz B.Twill A.Twill
665 / 580
1020 gms 475 gms 630 gms 1200 gms
2017-18 2978.05 2212.30 3986.06 6750.25 N.A. 4749.37 8374.97
2018-19 3031.10 2255.84 4414.14 6838.43 N.A. 4865.75 8790.34
2019-20 3397.22 2504.74 4766.32 7579.30 N.A. 5017.31 ** 9704.59
2020-21 4282.53 3188.83 5638.38 9556.33 N.A. N.A. 11819.49
2021-22 4391.21 3258.03 6279.28 10437.46 N.A. N.A. 12979.07
2022-23 4095.66 3036.32 5616.45 9079.71 N.A. N.A. 11513.60
2023-24 3611.83 2666.28 # 4909.29 7948.27 5296.56 5630.21 10020.26

**GTA not publishing the price from Nov-19

# GTA is not publishing this specific price from 09-12-2023
